
Event Details

Date & Time: Sat, Mar 9 @ 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: Quartyard

Address: 1301 Market St, San Diego, CA 92101




It’s Lexi’s 18th birthday and an opportunity to party with her one last time, as her Leukemia is now in the advanced stages. This is going to be an EPIC party for her (and us), and we’re going to party like it’s 1986!

This is a HUGE 80’s Senior Prom themed birthday party with 80’s music brought to you by DJ MandyMixes!! Dressing in 80’s or 80’s prom attire is HIGHLY encouraged! Bring your pets too, but it’s ok if you come in your reg attire.
We are suggesting a donation of $9 dollars to help us continue to work of saving pets by keeping their rescues thriving, which can be made thru the Eventbrite link or at the door.
Of course it wouldn’t be a Traci’s Paws, Inc. Paws Party without a rescue beneficiary, and this year we’re spicing things up a bit! This year our Rescue beneficiary is going to be chosen differently. Since this is Lexi’s Senior Prom, she needs a date and if you have a rescued pet from San Diego County rescue, your pet may win and be Lexi’s special date to her prom!

Contest rules:

1. Only rescued pets from a San Diego County Rescue may qualify, unless contest broadens territory.
2. If your rescued pet wins, you MUST be able to attend Lexi’s Birthday Party for a photo op, even if it means you can only stay long enough for the photo and a few words by our founder.
3. Any pets qualify! If you have a parrot or a guinea pig who is comfortable in a loud environment, you may enter! All winners MUST attend for a quick photo at our event, sorry!
4. The rescue from which the winner was adopted will be our 2019 beneficiary, for Lexi’s 18th Birthday Senior Prom Party, winning a minimum $900 from Traci’s Paws, up to $1800 with a donor matched gift!
5. All Entrants MUST email the following to SavePets@TracisPaws.com today-Feb. 16th 2019
1. Clear photo of 1 rescued pet from San Diego County Rescue that will be posted in FB album for judging)
2. Name of pet (WILL be posted in FB album)
3. Name of Rescue (WILL be posted in FB album)
4. 3 sentences why this pet will make the BEST date for Lexi (WILL be posted in FB album)
5*. Name of owners with adoption date (this is to help verify that this pet previously belonged to the stated rescue, and will NOT be posted in the FB album.

FYI- We will also combine all March Doggy Birthday Parties on this date, and share a party with our dear Lexi.
#Lexis18thBirthdaySeniorPromParty #TracisPawsPawsParties