Nicholas McPhearson aka Nicholas Danger (@NicholasDanger) is no stranger to YourCityBlock. Nick actually did one of the first murals at Quartyard #1 over five years ago in a collaboration with a few other local artists. Needless to say, San Diego is lucky to have this creator on the block.

For our 2020 summer art program we were looking for something vibrant and fun and Nicholas did not disappoint. He came by on a Sunday afternoon, and with the Sunday jams playing, knocked out this 8 foot by 10 foot piece without a hitch.
The inspiration was an ode to one of Nicholas Danger’s best friends, Wade Doggs, can you guess which one he is (spoiler alert below) ?
There is still time to support our summer art program at Quartyard! COVID-19 threw a little wrench into our art budget, but with the communities help we have been able to keep local artists working and creating. With every $20 donation or more we are dishing out an awesome custom Quartyard mask created by our friends at NEO4IC.